We do not reserve spots for applicants. Even your nomination is not really a concrete reservation. Like all hiring agencies we recruit more individuals than we have positions for, to account for the various factors that arise, and ensure that we can fill our programs. While I can make no promises about holding a spot for you, I can share that I anticipate this program will be filled in the couple weeks. I know you have a strong desire to serve in Asia, and should your site specific support guidelines be reevaluated to open up this regions to you, and if we have a position available in this region-I will consider you for it. We expect all applicants to demonstrate flexibility and a willingness to serve where they can be best utilized. It is good that you are geographically flexible.
My original email:
I am currently working with Medical on appealing my disqualification for the Asia region. I apologize for the inconvenience this must be causing. I am aware that the invitation deadline for my original nomination, University English teaching in China, is approaching and seats are filling up. I wanted to know if there is any way I can make it in time. Would it be possible to reserve my nomination seat until I get the results back for my appeal? Or at least for another week or two? I feel as though I have a pretty good case because I have lived, worked, and traveled in Asia for over half of my life, and the allergy for which I'm being disqualified is so mild that I've never had any problems with it. It wouldn't interfere with my service at all.
I want to clarify that I'm not opposed to serving in another region such as Eastern Europe, as you mentioned. I would be happy to serve there and learn a new culture. I am excited to serve for Peace Corps regardless of the region, and I am particularly adept at adjusting to new cultures. I have worked very hard to get this nomination in Asia, and it would be an ideal fit for me because all my experiences and career interests are aligned with it. I am also familiar with the language and the culture already and have worked, studied, and volunteered with people from and in the region. I feel that I could really do a lot of good in that country to foster a spirit of understanding and cooperation because of my unique qualifications.
Any information you can give me will be helpful. I look forward to working with you through the Placement phase.
Thank you so much for your patience.
I had already assumed that that is the way it works. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. It was sort of a last ditch effort to do something about it.
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