Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Medical exams?

This morning, bright and early, I went out to get some cough syrup for an annoying affliction i've developed in the last few days. I stepped on a UPS envelope that was under my doormat. "WHEN DID THIS GET HERE?" I'm amazed by the speed of these packages.

Inside there were more medical forms, which I had no idea I would have to go through post-invitation until last night while reading posts on the Peace Corps China 2011 Facebook group.

Required exams:
- Chest X-Ray (interestingly enough, you're required to keep the X-Rays and present them at Staging and have them on you when you arrive in China or they won't let you in)
- Blood test for syphilis
- HIV-1 and HIV-2

And I have to include 2 more passport pictures.

These costs will be reimbursed by Peace Corps.


  1. Hey Mike! Thanks for the comment on my blog. That sounds awesome that you'll be in China soon for the Peace Corps. I'll let you know if I get the chance to come over from Japan, and you should do the same. haha

    Yeah, these exams sound exactly like what was required for the JET Program here in Japan. Except that they didn't reimburse me for costs. :/ They're annoying but you forget about them quickly after you arrive. =]

  2. Oh, BTW! I don't know if you saw it, but my "6 Ways to Keep in Contact from Abroad" post (http://bit.ly/jO49I5) may be a good read before you leave!
